Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Some videos I posted this year

 Here are some of the videos I posted this past year....

They are in order from Oldest to newest, you can also check my Philately playlist for the older videos as well:

Slovenia S.H.S and Croatian S.H.S stamps on pieces

Germany 1948 Bizone stamps on cover

Covers with 1850/60s Bavarian stamps

Bosnia and Hercegovina 1906 perforated, imperforated and obliterated sets

Bosnia and Herzegovina stamps that arrived today, also showing what I already had in my collection

A look at Bosnia 1913 Newspaper stamps...Girl in Bosnian Costume (Mädchen in bosnischer Tracht)

Red Cross/Red Crescent First Day Covers

Swiss airmail covers including Aaurau and Helicopter mail

Austria 1863-1880 mercury newspaper stamps and newspaper tax stamps

Epirus Chimarra Issue 1914 Possibly forgeries

Germany 1875 until about 1990s stamp accumulation

Bayern/Bavaria special catalog and Bavarian Wagon Wheel (Mühlradstempel) cancels on stamps

First day covers from the Netherlands

Books: European Stamp Issues and the 1st/2nd World War, Chainbreakers: Stamps of Slovenia 1919/21

Stamps on envelopes that I received in the mail

Belgian collection on Vario pages part 1

Belgian collection on Vario pages part 2

First look at the new Netherlands 2024 NVPH stamp special catalog

Netherlands Doorlopers.. stamps where the design continues on the next stamp

Quick video about the Sakura stamp catalog (原色日本切手図鑑) I purchased a few weeks ago One thing I noticed, they have different sections for stamps... even more so than Scott :-(