Friday, October 07, 2022

Added to my collection October 2022

This will just be a post with all the stamps that I added to my collections in October 2022

October 2nd

Got a bunch of stamps in this envelope (see for stamps further below)
Do Not Bend

Notice the "Please Do Not Bend" part? Well the person working for USPS did not notice it and tried to make it fit.... Luckily no stamps were damaged. Also I was wondering how they can still use non Euro denominated stamps to mail these out?

Switzerland 1852 Michel no 12

Switzerland 1852 Michel no 12.. not the best margins….

Michel number 12, Scott number 12 as well

Not the best margins unfortunately…  Hopefully in the future I will get a cleaner specimen

Austria MNH stamps and some used sheets

Austria MNH stamps and some used sheets

Just filling in gaps in my collection  :-)

Switzerland 1999 125 year UPU anniversary

Switzerland 1999 125 year UPU anniversary.. pretty cool design

This is a pretty cool design

Monaco 1983 Europa CEPT mini sheet

Monaco 1983 Europa CEPT mini sheet

This sheet can go in a Monaco collection as well as in a Balloon, Space or Europa CEPT thematic collection 

Switzerland Vignette from year album/yearbook 1999 

Switzerland Vignette from year album/yearbook 1999

October 7th

Germany 1926 airmail stamps 

Germany 1926 airmail stamps Michel 378/84 Scott C27/34

Michel 378/84 Scott C27/34... I always liked this set

October 25th

Netherlands 1967 Amphilex sheets

I have been eyeing these for a while now and they are finally part of my collection

Netherlands 1967 Amphilex sheets

On the sheets are stamps from the first 3 issues

Europa CEPT mini sheets and booklets

Just adding these to complete at least the common issues... still have ways to go

Europa CEPT minisheets and booklets

French Colonies Peace And Commerce 1877

French Colonies Peace And Commerce 1877 Michel 28, Scott 32

I love these stamps from France, I loved them even more when they are imperforated like they were issued for the French Colonies

Michel catalog number 28, Scott catalog number 32

Belgian Telephone tete beche gutter pair stamps

Belgian Telephone tete beche gutter pair stamps

These can't be found in the Michel or Scott catalogs

Luckily I have a buddy that has the Belgian COB catalog

Belgian catalog tete beche gutter pair catalog

Looks like catalog number TE29/TE32.. 

October 28th

Swiss stamps from 1989 -1999

Swiss MNH stamps 1

Swiss MNH stamps 2

Swiss MNH stamps 3

Swiss MNH stamps 4

Didn't have most of these... so this is a good percentage of stamps that I am adding to my Switzerland collection